Cosmetic, Reconstructive & Revision Rhinoplasty
The nose is one of the most essential, prominent and defining features of the face. For this reason, rhinoplasty is not only one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures, it also requires among the most delicate skill of any plastic surgery procedure.
Rhinoplasty is defined by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons as:
“A surgical procedure that is performed to change the shape and/or size of the nose or to correct a broad range of nasal defects. Cosmetic rhinoplasty can transform normal nasal structures to a more satisfactory appearance. Reconstructive rhinoplasty transforms nasal abnormalities or damaged nasal structures to a more normal state.”
Primary Rhinoplasty
The ultimate goal of any effective rhinoplasty procedure is to create an enhanced but completely natural appearance that serves to harmonize the shape of your nose with the rest of your facial structure.
PrimaryReconstructive Rhinoplasty
Reconstructive rhinoplasty corrects nasal abnormalities and damaged nasal structures that are the result of disease or trauma.
ReconstructiveRevision Rhinoplasty
Revision rhinoplasty or secondary rhinoplasty addresses complications and defects caused by a primary rhinoplasty.
A septoplasty or functional rhinoplasty corrects complications caused by a deviated septum, the central structure of the nose.
SeptoplastyFusion Rhinoplasty
The Fusion Rhinoplasty or septo-rhinoplasty, a specialty of Dr. Aminpour’s, addresses both cosmetic and structural nasal issues.
FusionEthnic Rhinoplasty
Ethinic rhinoplasties are performed with attention to the natural ethnic traits of patients while achieving their plastic surgery goals.
EthnicFemale Rhinoplasty
Female rhinoplasty is performed with additional attention to feminine proportions and aesthetics to achieve the desired result.
FemaleMale Rhinoplasty
Male rhinoplasty requires special skill to achieve a cosmetic result while still maintaining a masculine appearance and profile.
MaleRhinoplasty Recovery
Rhinoplasty recovery is highly dependent upon the skill of the surgeon and the patients’ ability to follow through with aftercare instructions. Find out how what rhinoplasty recovery is like and how you can help make it go smoothly.
RecoveryNon-Surgical Nose Job
Advances in the field of dermal fillers have made it possible to reshape and enhance various aspects of the nose in under an hour. A non surgical nose job at Dr. Aminpour’s office has little-to-no downtime or recovery necessary.